You Are An Expression Of The Divine
The acceptance of a creative force or source can only bring us to a conclusion of an inherent acceptance of ourselves as being a part of...
Rejection of Spirit
We come from Spirit, we shall return to Spirit, yet in between, we shy away from it, we deny it. We sometimes honour it, we sometimes...
True mindfulness starts with your feet, not the mind. Study this! To study this you start with the heart, not the mind. Then you must...
The Disempowerment of The Human Mind
Over the past years, I have posted over 70 blogs to help you gain an understanding of the way of things on your road to becoming an...
The Empowerment of Acceptance
To accept we need courage, kindness and compassion. To be kind we need acceptance. To be compassionate we need acceptance. To build...
The Empowerment of Achievement
The positive in us will achieve harmony. Â There has been some very powerful achievers in the area of peace and harmony, but there has also b
It Is Time For Peace
To know of the self is a great gift. Â To understand the self is knowledge. Â To accept the self is being enlightened. Â The true self can neve
Become Fully Aware
If it is in this dimension that the true conscious universe, experiences manifestation -Â shape, movement, time and change coming into being
Father Sun & Mother Earth
We have, with our borders and flags, claimed her for ourselves.  We have dissected her to the point of cutting her heart out.  Yes, we are h
The Higher Self
What is the Higher Self? For generations spiritual leaders have spoken about the Higher Self. Â The Buddha, Muhammed, Jesus and many more all