The Empowerment of Shaolin Kung Fu
In Shaolin temples, students are taught of ‘Fu’, The word ‘Fu’ as in Kung Fu, has a number of meanings. The first is that which comes...
The Empowering Dragon
Most people in the western world would view the Dragon as being somewhat negative but in the east the Dragon is viewed as being...
The Empowerment of Yin/Yang
In my last blog I spoke of change and how it affects us. The yin/yang teaches us that change consists of 2 opposites, some view it as...
The Empowerment of Change
The principle of change is the only permanent thing in this universe! The dragon is the director of change as all things are coming into...
The Dragon Or Lung can we affect our chi through tai chi or kung fu? The original principle of both tai chi and kung fu is to create peace within ones s
Know This
Is the air we breath, which gives us life any less a god?
The Heart of Shaolin Kung Fu
The study of one's heart in Shaolin Kung Fu is the most important study. Without these qualities, one can not be a Shaolin Warrior. Kung
Father Sun & Mother Earth
We have, with our borders and flags, claimed her for ourselves.  We have dissected her to the point of cutting her heart out.  Yes, we are h
Before 'Way'
What of the wonderful entities thoughts of non-being could create this vast existence of Being?  Where, or how was it housed or stored?